Patriot Act: Global Connections
Posted on August 18th 2003
SUMMARY: Geopolitical Journalist Joan Peros shares what she’s learned at press conferences and meetings on the global stage, and exposes a connection between homeland security to an agenda for global governance.
Patriot Act: Global Connections
by Joan Peros
We thought we ranked above the chance of ill.
Others might fall, not we, for we were wise –
Merchants in freedom. So, of our free-will
We let our servants drug our strength with lies –
The pleasure and the poison had its way
On us as on the meanest, till we learned
That he who lies will steal, who steals will slay.
Neither God’s judgment nor man’s heart was turned.– Rudyard Kipling’s The Covenant, 1914
Nashville – Usually, I am speaking to groups that have never heard of UN Agenda 21 or sustainable development – so it’s nice to be with you today, the advanced group. You already know that this whole anti-terrorism movement is part of a much larger global agenda. We’re going to make some of those connections right now, starting with a little history to bring us forward.
Over the past 100 years there have been attempts at world government via two world wars, the League of Nations and now the U.N. which has held numerous summits and conferences to that end.
1972 was the Stockholm Conference, forerunner to the Earth Summits – 70 nations got together to begin work on global environmental planning. Immediately after this conference, and this is what Steven Rockefeller told us in a workshop, the top legal minds in the world were brought together to start writing a Covenant regulating the relations between mankind and nature, which led to the Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development. which brings together all of the environmental law in the world and elevates nature above man. A core precept of this Covenant is the Precautionary Principle, whereby you are guilty until proven innocent. Article 8 states that the right to development necessitates environmental protection and global equity. Quote: “equity will be achieved through implementation of the international economic order, and through transfers of resources to developing countries…” [The international economic order and pantheism embodied in the one world religion Earth Charter are what this is really all about anyway.]
I have been in many press conferences with Gorbachev and heard him say: we are writing a new set of 10-15 commandments to replace the original 10, and in that paradigm man is on the same level and in some cases lower than the trees, the animals, rocks and bugs! Other articles in the Draft Covenant document develop the national and international procedures necessary to assess, monitor, and control environmental impacts. ASSESS, MONITOR, AND CONTROL.
I like to emphasize that phrase because it was spoken so often in South Africa, both at the Conference on Environment and Development AND at the EnviroLaw conference I attended in Durban just prior to Johannesburg.
The purpose of EnviroLaw was to bring together chief justices, judges, attorneys and academia from all around the world to address the issue of implementation (of sustainable development), because the fatal flaw, they said, has been how to translate the policies and treaties into operational laws that can be implemented and enforced.
We are down to setting up effective legal regimes – compliance and control – or in the words of many conference attendees, we have to move from monitoring to policing!
The U.S., by the way, provided major funding for the EnviroLaw Conference, and the opening keynote speaker from our State Department, undersecretary John Turner, who said, “This is a Global Campfire.” “The American people are committed to leading in this campaign to sustainable development.” I’m ahead of myself. Let’s talk next about the United Nations year 2000 Millennium Summit, which according to Kofi Annan “offers an action plan to make globalization work for people everywhere.”
He said it offers “the world’s people a unique occasion to reflect on their common destiny, at a moment when they find themselves interconnected as never before.”
“In 1945 the founders [of the U.N. ed.] set up (a)… system for an international world order. …and made it possible for globalization to emerge. … Responding to this shift is a central challenge for world leaders today. …In this new world, groups and individuals more and more often interact directly across frontiers, without involving the state. (But)… there are new dangers, crime, narcotics, terrorism, pollution, disease, weapons, refugees and migrants…”
Here we see the problems being created & set up for us – with their solution coming behind, of course. Ordo Ab Chaos. Order Out of Chaos.
“…(states) can draw strength from each other, by acting within common institutions based on shared rules and values.” To make it possible for this “international world order” to emerge, the Millennium Summit set forth The Security Agenda, or Freedom From Fear, where …”The concept of security – which once meant defense of territory from external attack – is evolving to mean protection of communities and individuals from internal violence.”
To me, one of the most stunning pronouncements to come out of the Millennium Summit was that the U.N. now felt compelled to insert itself into conflicts not just between states, but within states. This agenda says:
“illicit transfers of weapons, money or natural resources must be forced into the limelight.” in order to provide individuals and communities the security they’ve come to expect, and that’s exactly what the USA PATRIOT Act does! They will protect the vulnerable by enforcing “international and human rights law, and end the culture of impunity.”
It states:
“…no legal principle – not even sovereignty – should be used to shield crimes against humanity.” (And who will define those crimes? A Freedom From Fear report posted by the UN on its website said, “As we look ahead, we can see real risks that resource depletion, especially freshwater scarcities, as well as severe forms of environmental degradation, may increase social and political tensions in unpredictable but potentially dangerous ways.”)
(Are you scared?) They will strengthen “peace operations” and support regional disarmament measures.
The full complement of recommendations for the Security Agenda, or strengthening the world army, are contained in the 70 page Brahimi Report. Lakhdar Brahimi was a government minister from Algeria, and you may recognize his name as later being given oversight in the Afghanistan conflict as a U.N. administrator. The representatives of all 179 nations present at the Millennium Summit adopted the recommendations in their entirety without any reservations. Several paragraphs in the section on Civilian Police are of special note. It calls for member states to increase their numbers of civilian police, and to reform and restructure local police forces so they can be used in UN peace operations; it calls for joint exercises and regional training partnerships. Paragraph 124 calls for Member States to designate a single point of contact within their governmental structures to be responsible for coordinating and managing the provision of police personnel… Did the United States get a single point of contact? (You bet it did – D.H.S.)
Of course we know these bright ideas didn’t just spring up overnight. Get yourself a copy of the Hart Rudman Commission report on National Security in the 21st Century. It was produced in three phases from 1997 to 1999, the first of which is entitled New World Coming, and called for a Homeland Security Agency. (Just as an aside, the German English dictionary translates homeland defense as Schutz staffel, to the Nazi’s that was the S.S.)
It was Gary Hart who gave a speech days after 9/11 who said perhaps the President could use this event to bring about a New World Order. Other notables on the Hart Rudman Commission were John Dancy, Leslie Gelb, Newt Gingrich, James Schlesinger, and Andrew Young. Contributions to the report were solicited and received from foreign governments, among them Russia, Red China, Pakistan and Egypt, organizations like RAND and Carnegie, Toffler Associates, the World Bank and the IMF. Many of the concepts put forth at the United Nations are mirrored in the Hart Rudman document. The Phase I Report states:
We are changing as a nation…values are evolving. The role of the sovereign state is certain to change…borders of every sort – geographical, communal & psychological, will be…compelled to reconfiguration…Already the traditional functions of law, police work, & military power have begun to blur… Humanity may find…new purpose in common global goals. Time zones will become more important than borders. Changes are likely to create something like a global citizen. We may transcend patriotic nationalism to that of “world citizen”…we may witness the birth of the post-modern state, a phenomenon with potentially huge implications for international politics…new values generate the redefinition of personal identifications and loyalties. The next 25 years portend a great deal of unraveling.
The Phase II Report calls for the U.S. to promote the new global economy and improve the effectiveness of International Institutions and International Law. The United States has a strong stake in a reformed and More Effective United Nations System and should engage constructively to that end.
That gives you a good idea of what kind of rhetoric is in our public policy documents.
In the name of terrorism, the new laws being enacted are designed to monitor and control us. At the same time police agencies all around the world are coordinating their communication and information-sharing networks in accordance with the Brahimi Report and other UN documents.
Title II of the Patriot Act allows search and seizure without a warrant and provides immunity to anyone who complies with such an order.
Title III makes a big deal out of money laundering as estimated by the IMF, stating in Sec. 302 that it can undermine the integrity of United States financial institutions and of the global financial and trading systems upon which prosperity and growth depend… You know how it ends up getting interpreted – I received a notice with a department store bill recently saying they could no longer accept cash payments over $350 on accounts – It means your insurance company now has a compliance department with compliance officers for a new level of monitoring and control to make sure there is no money laundering and to monitor the use of company owned computers. Title III also says effective counter measures require bilateral and multilateral action, and that the Basle Committee on Banking Regulation of which the United States is a member, have adopted international anti-money laundering principles and recommendations. All such measures are to be done in consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and shall consider the impact on the international payment, clearance, and settlement system – in other words, to protect, insulate & promote globalization of the economy. International organizations and multilateral expert groups (NGO’s) are to be used in jurisdictional determinations. And language is added to U.S. Code with regard to offenses to which the United States would be obligated by a multilateral treaty and requests for international law enforcement assistance.
Sec. 364 is amazing in the scope of authority it extends to the Federal reserve to allow personnel to act as law enforcement officers to protect and safeguard the premises, grounds, property, personnel, including members of the Board, or any Federal reserve bank, and operations conducted by or on behalf of the Board or a reserve bank.. It authorizes them to carry firearms and make arrests without warrants. And they shall have access to law enforcement information!
Any violation in currency reporting subjects the defendant to forfeiture of all property, real or personal. This stuff takes up the first 80 pages of the Act. Then you get to Title IV all about protecting our Northern Border, and you think, well that’s good, but I’m going to skip on through to the section on the Southern Border, because everybody knows we have real problems there, but then you find out it doesn’t even mention the Southern Border. Maybe that’s because we have the U.S.-Mexico Border XXI Program about 100 miles wide north and south and into the ocean on either side involving environmental enforcement and compliance enacted jointly with U.S. and Mexican government agencies with Joint Response Teams and Joint Advisory Committees with Joint Contingency Plans.
The rest of the Act requires mandatory detention of suspected terrorists and can suspend Habeas Corpus. Sec. 413 calls for multilateral cooperation with regard to any alien for anything that would constitute a crime in the United States. 414 calls for an integrated entry and exit data system using biometric technology, and provides unlimited funding to implement such a system.
Title V removes obstacles to investigating terrorism, educational records can be collected in addition to financial records and consumer reports
Sec. VIII defines domestic terrorism as any activities that (A) involve acts dangerous to human life; (B) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion
Title X is the First Responders Assistance Act. To prevent terrorism it gives grant money to purchase technology and equipment for intelligence gathering and analysis, including wire-tap, cameras and computer equipment; mobile command posts; and programs that emphasize coordination among agencies and resource sharing & other best practices. It authorizes $25mm each fiscal year from 2003 through 2007.
Sec. 1010 grants temporary authority to contract with local and state governments for performance of security functions at United States Military Installations. This section shall prescribe standards for training & other qualifications of local government law enforcement personnel who perform security functions under this section…
1016 says whatever is needed to protect critical infrastructures shall be carried out in a public-private partnership involving corporate and non-governmental organizations…
My friends, the implementation of sustainable development requires a schutz staffel, because when people finally realize they have been sold into slavery, they will organize a tea party.
Thank you for being here, for being leaders and for speaking out – because I am reminded of what Isaiah had to say in Chapter 10, 2700 years ago:
“…I have removed the boundaries of the people, And have robbed their treasuries; So I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man. My hand has found like a nest the riches of the people, And as one gathers eggs that are left, I have gathered all the earth; And there was no one who moved his wing, Nor opened his mouth with even a peep.”
Joan Peros is a Geopolitical Journalist and Global Media Consultant located in Aptos, California. ###
Copyright, 2003:
This is a complete transcript of Joan Peros’ speach at the 2003 Freedom 21 Conference in Nashville. This transcript may be reproduced in part or entirety with proper credit given to Joan Peros.