Agenda 21 — The Blueprint to Advance Sustainable Development

By Daniel Beckett
Posted on June 15, 2004


SUMMARY:  In this straightforward exposé of Agenda 21 — the blueprint to advance Sustainable Development — Beckett examines the notion of “sustainability.” His conclusion: The American people need to be better informed so they understand that Sustainable Development is a pseudonym for centralized control over human life.


Santa Cruz County, CA

The policies of Sustainable Development are changing the very fabric of America.

Sustainable Development entered the world officially in 1987 in a report of the United Nations Commission on Environment and Development entitled, “Our Common Future.” This commission was chaired by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime minister of Norway and Vice-President of the World Socialist Party. A well known mantra that originated from that report is “meeting today’s need’s without compromising future generations to meet their own needs.” If one is to look, this mission statement has been incorporated into many government and non-government organizations. Is it a surprise that it was also reflected in the old Soviet constitution?

Then in 1992 the United Nations conference on “Environment and Development” was held in Rio De Janeiro Brazil. This summit is commonly referred to as the “Earth Summit.” Then-President George H. Bush signed what is commonly referred to as the “Rio Accords.” Out of this conference came the “Agenda 21” document. Agenda 21 was adopted as a work plan to implement Sustainable Development by 179 nations including our own.

The following year, newly-elected President Bill Clinton created “The Presidents Council on Sustainable Development” through executive order. This order created the framework for the federal government to begin implementing sustainable development programs nationwide. All of this has been moving forward with virtually no legislative debate.

I first became aware of Agenda 21 in the summer of 2000 when I was given a copy of the Santa Cruz Local Agenda 21 document, a regurgitated version of the global document. This local plan was endorsed by our esteemed Congressman Sam Farr on June 3rd, 1997. Is it any coincidence that Mr. Farr flies the United Nations flag at his Congressional office in Washington, DC?

So what could be wrong with the idea of being sustainable? We don’t want to be unsustainable, do we? The problem with Sustainable Development is that it flies in the face of man’s will to advance. America is the greatest country in the world. Why? Because its citizens were allowed the use of its bountiful resources. There was no king or dictator to control man’s creative action.

The idea behind Sustainable Development is to foster a mentality of guilt in people over the use of natural resources. Every time one starts their car… Every time one turns on a water faucet… Remember, be sustainable! Don’t exceed your allotment of resources… Big Brother is watching you. We all must learn to live the same, think the same and most importantly… be sustainable!

America was not created using this mindset. America was created with the mindset of full speed ahead!!! I don’t think NASA was concerned about being sustainable when they were going to the moon.

You see, the real agenda behind Sustainable Development has nothing to do with protecting the environment. It is about controlling the natural resources. If the resources are controlled, the people are controlled. The screws are already tightening on us. Does it make any sense that we must use poisonous, difficult to dispose of, fluorescent lighting in kitchens now? These things should be a personal choice. No doubt in time the use of all natural resources will be highly regulated.

Of course, as in the old Soviet Union, not everyone will be required to live the peasant lifestyle. Those who play along will be rewarded. But the reward will only be a temporary one. It comes down to “the end justifies the means.” The “useful idiots” will be in for a big surprise when they realize the noose they helped to tie will be placed around their own necks.

Problem is, most of the Think Global, Act Local socialists realize that most adults are smart enough to see through their utopian pipe dreams. Their solution? Brainwash the school children. It’s not education anymore. It’s indoctrination. That’s why it’s so important to have good teachers in the system. The local Packard Foundation (billions of dollars in assets at last check) funds a great many projects related to Sustainable Development. The next generation is being prepared to live in a new controlled society where people are discouraged from reaching their personal best. All this is being done with the help of our tax money.

Indicators of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 are everywhere. The city of Watsonville is busy implementing its own Agenda 21 Plan, called ACTION Pajaro Valley. The county is neck-deep with valley and village plans, such as in Corralitos and Aptos. Then there is the City of Marina redevelopment plan. The name of this type of planning in “community planning,” “comprehensive planning,” “growth management planning” or “smart growth.” They all mean the same thing. Oh, then let’s not forget about Highway 1. The plan on that is to stall long enough, until we all give up on our cars due to unbearable congestion. We are being molded into complying with a more controlled and less independent form of transportation, such as the proposed rail line. Then there won’t be a need to widen the highway. We have become guinea pigs in a social experiment.

Getting back to community planning, it is based on the creation of councils called “visioning councils.” These councils are manipulated in such a way as to come to a pre-determined outcome. The professional facilitators of the meeting work hard to make sure all those involved are easily swayed into being agreeable. The process utilizes group manipulation tactics. Most people fear the thought of looking foolish in front of others and tend to keep quiet. If one is vocal, and unwilling to go along, a wily facilitator will pick up on this and use mockery to shut the person up. I have seen this demonstrated on numerous occasions. These so-called “visioning councils” are based on a very similar method of government such as that which was used in the Soviet Union. It is a top down form of governance where the local representatives blindly follow along behind their higher ups. The infrastructure for the brave new world of tomorrow is being created today right in front of our eyes. It’s not about free enterprise providing the type of housing people want anymore. It’s about government dictating the type of housing it will allow people to live in. I guess the government has forgotten the fact that it is not its role to control the housing market.

In fact, there is a lot of so-called public land in this county. But activities for outdoor sports and recreation are becoming increasingly restricted. There is big demand for activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, etc., but these activities are often considered to be unsustainable and therefore not allowed. A lot of this so-called open space is just plain closed off to all human use. More and more regulation is being placed on the use of public lands. I am not a big proponent of the government acquiring any more land, either directly or through “funnel” agencies such as Land Trusts — who usually sell back to the government at a profit and then repeat the cycle.

If one is willing to take the time and do the research, you will come to realize — as I did — that we are in big trouble in this country. It doesn’t seem to make much difference who is in power, be it Democrat or Republican, the Agenda 21 beat goes on. It is a very troubling and discouraging to realize that our own government is implementing a program that would make the Marxists proud. Did all those brave American soldiers die in the second World War fighting tyrannical regimes, for this? The American people need to be informed so they have a chance to voice their opposition to this form of tyranny. Forget about any major media willing to discuss this issue. I would suggest Freedom Advocates as a good start.

If America is to remain the land of the free and home of the brave the truth must get out. All patriotic Americans need to take the time to understand what is happening. I assure you, you will not like what you find. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but necessary if we are to stand a chance in saving our country. Take the time to be informed and speak out against those who wish to change America from the land of the free to the home of the regulated and controlled. Do it now — before it’s too late.

Agenda 21 — The Blueprint to Advance Sustainable Development by Daniel Beckett


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