Climate Change

Washington Cities and Counties Conform to the Kyoto Protocol and Climate Policies

June 11, 2010 | 0 Comments

By Research Mom, 6/11/2010

In a quest to find a conservative way to be “green” some politicians are compromising and signing contracts with non-governmental entities and accepting funding which ultimately bind cities, counties, and states to radical environmental policies. Regulations and laws continue to be forced onto us by leaders that may not realize they have unwittingly committed us to anti-Constitutional globalist plans.


Agenda 21 Alert: Global Warming Freeze

May 4, 2010 | 0 Comments

By Cassandra Anderson, 5/4/2010

As the federal "Cap and Trade" bill falters in Congress, and resistance to the EPA's 18,000 page new regulation document grows, globalists are trying to bring about expanded control, using the discredited excuse of man made global warming, on a state and local level.


Montana Gas Leases are Suspended Because of Climate Change

March 30, 2010 | 0 Comments

By Edwin X. Berry, Ph.D., 3/30/2010

Montana has vast oil, gas, coal and forest reserves that are needed by Montana and America to produce economical low-cost energy. But Montana has lost its once-powerful economic resource base because it allowed the federal government to control its energy lands.


Despite Crumbling of Climate Change Consensus, ICLEI Marches On

January 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates, 1/5/2010

The fraud of man-made climate change was exposed from emails at the University of East Anglica. Global average temperatures have not warmed for over a decade. The United Nations Climate Accords in Copenhagen (Cop15) failed to result in worldwide agreements, yet the beat goes on. Climate change policies will continue to operate covertly at the local level to develop socially engineered and controlled communities. Many local officials are committing acts of treason. Local people like you have the power to stop them.


Two Reviews on Global Warming Films – Just In Time For The Copenhagen Treaty

October 30, 2009 | 0 Comments

By Vern Westgate, 10/30/2009

Man made Global Warming, as promoted by Al Gore and many others, is a fraud. The goal of those who push this lie is international taxation, power, and a shifting of sovereignty to a one-world government. Here are two films (DVDs) that tell the truth of global warming. Al Gore used film to promote the lies of global warming in An Inconvenient Truth. Using films to refute Al’s message reaches the same audiences in a media they are receptive to.


United Nations ICLEI and The City of Spokane

May 11, 2009 | 0 Comments

By Edwin X. Berry, Ph.D, 5/11/2009 - Spokane, WA signed onto the United Nations International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Climate Protection Campaign in 2001. Since then, the city has spent money, resources and time attempting to comply with the requirements of ICLEI. The rationale for the program was to comply with the United Nations sponsored Kyoto Protocol to reduce GHG emissions. The City of Spokane assumed that the United Nations IPCC made truthful statements about the effects of GHG emissions and especially carbon dioxide emissions on the earth's climate. We now know without a shadow of doubt that the UN IPCC lied and is still lying about the effects of our carbon dioxide and other GHG emissions on climate.


The Al Gore Video

September 8, 2008 | 0 Comments

By Vern Westgate, 9/8/2008 -

Check out the Al Gore video satire we posted called "Al's Trick." We know you won’t be fooled by Al’s move to take his man-made Global Warming issue to the next step: Al, and the globalists he fronts, believe they have acquired another way for the International Community to impose a world tax through “Carbon Credits”.


Scientific Smackdown: Skeptics Voted The Clear Winners Against Global Warming Believers in Heated NY

August 25, 2008 | 0 Comments

Originally posted March 16, 2007 on the Ihnofe EPW Press Blog by Marc Morano

Just days before former Vice President Al Gore’s scheduled visit to testify about global warming before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, a high profile climate debate between prominent scientists Wednesday evening ended with global warming skeptics being voted the clear winner by a tough New York City before an audience of hundreds of people.


Government’s Push to Use Ethanol is Merely a Fascist Ruse

May 2, 2007 | 0 Comments

By R.P. Adamson, Jr., 5/2/2007 - The demand for ethanol didn't arise legitimately on the open market. The demand for an oxygenated fuel originated in the halls of government where a mandate could be passed to ensure such a demand. Furthermore, the taxpayer or end consumer is not only coerced to pay for the scam through subsidies and tariff enforcement but is also forced to pay the longer-term cost of wasted resources and engineering inefficiencies.


Global Warming Swindle

March 16, 2007 | 0 Comments

By Thomas Sowell, 3/16/2007 - While the public has been led to believe that "all" the leading scientists buy the global warming hysteria and the political agenda that goes with it, in fact the official reports from the United Nations or the National Academy of Sciences are written by bureaucrats -- and then garnished with the names of leading scientists who were "consulted," but whose contrary conclusions have been ignored.

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