Smart Growth – Planning

WSAU Transcript: Biographies

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Biographies of the participants in WSAU's Freedom 21 Sustainable Development Forum.


WSAU Transcript: Smart Growth Parts 3 & 4

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Panel and callers discuss: Cases where citizens have resisted, and defeated Sustainable Development / Smart Growth programs; Individual and property rights written into the Constitution; How Sustainable Development programs are being implemented by a soviet system -- a system of councils that report to the "apex council".


WSAU Transcript: Smart Growth Part 2

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Panel discusses: How Smart Growth is designed to depopulate rural areas and transition human populations into high-density occupation zones; How Global organizations are gaining control of U.S. water resources; How Sustainable Development plans are being implemented by collectivist counsels outside of the democratic process; and Threats to Private Property in Santa Cruz, California, and throughout the USA.


WSAU Transcript: Smart Growth Part 1

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Panel introduces Smart Growth / Sustainable Development as a program that will eliminate private property, discusses the effect of Smart Growth policies in Santa Cruz County, and how significant changes to policy and society are being implemented without a vote from citizens.


WSAU Transcript: Wisconsin Residents Fear Santa Cruz Style Smart Growth Policy

August 1, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 8/1/2003 -

Sound off Central Wisconsin Radio Talk Show presented the Freedom 21 Forum o­n Smart Growth to AM 550 WSAU listeners o­n November 7, 2002. This exciting and informative show featured local Abundance Ecologist Michael Shaw and a national panel of Sustainable Development experts that included: Citizen Activist and Former Vice President of the Independent Truckers Association Bill Elmhorst, Memorial Medical Center Pharmacy Director Clark Palmer, and representatives from the Committee for Fairness In Law, Inc.


“Smart Growth” is “Agenda 21”

February 20, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Henry Lamb, 2/20/2003 -

From one end of the country to the other, "Smart Growth" has become the politically-correct buzz-word to mask a variety of policy initiatives designed to bring about sustainable development of sustainable communities that will produce sustainable lifestyles - as determined by the authors and promoters of Agenda 21... Anything less is a major erosion of the first principle of freedom: legitimate government is empowered by the consent of the governed - not by the recommendations of Agenda 21, the President's Council on Sustainable Development, or by the "visions" on non-elected professionals, no matter how well-meaning they may be.

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