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One Bay Area

November 1, 2014 | 1 Comment

11/1/2014 - One Bay Area is America’s most extensive and expensive application of Agenda 21. Michael Shaw discusses the One Bay Area Plan, ABAG, ICLEI, and COGs with host, KSCO Santa Cruz station owner, Michael Zwerling and various callers. [...]

Become a Citizen Ninja in Your Neighborhood

June 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

6/23/2014 - Citizen Ninja Mary Baker explains to host Dr. Stan Monteith how to recognize Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Globalism in your neighborhood. Listen to this pleasant interview and learn how to become a Citizen Ninja in your neighborhood. [...]

Agenda 21: Technocracy, Trilaterals and the Green Economy

April 1, 2014 | 2 Comments

4/1/2014 – Patrick Wood analyzes Agenda 21, Sustainable Development and regional governmental institutions in light of Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission. Although a summary by necessity of time, this gives a deep historical insight into where Agenda 21 doctrines and policies were invented and how they have been implemented. [...]

Informative United Kingdom Interview with Freedom Advocates President Michael Shaw Regarding Agenda 21

August 22, 2013 | 1 Comment

8/22/2013 - Informed British host, Julian Charles conducts extensive interview with Michael Shaw. In a very effective one hour interview the parties discuss: Foundation/History of Agenda 21, Natural Law, Unalienable Rights, Communitarianism, Monetary Policy, Education, Climate Change, Surveillance/Technology, Smart Grid, Smart Growth, Land Use, Regionalism, COGs, One Bay Area, City-States, NGOs, ICLEI, Misprision of Treason, Consensus meetings, Common Purpose, Wildlands Network, and How to Fight Back at the Local Level. [...]

Debate on Agenda 21

June 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

6/1/2013 - Professor of Community Studies, UC-Santa Cruz and Five-time City Mayor, Mike Rotkin debates FreedomAdvocates.org Founders, Michael Shaw and Joanne Nathan. Helpful for those wanting to understand the mindset of communitarian politicians. This was a follow-up to the prior week’s KSCO Saturday Special (Santa Cruz, CA) on 5/25/2013. [...]

ICLEI and National Security

April 13, 2013 | 0 Comments

4/13/2013 - Michael Shaw discusses ICLEI and National Security with Charles Winkler. Charles Winkler was a Department of Defense analyst for more than 30 years, specializing in Soviet, Russian, East European, and Middle Eastern matters, and threat analysis, in particular. He has worked for the Department of the Army, the Library of Congress, the State Department, and other agencies during his career, both in the United States and abroad. He has traveled, studied, and worked in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union, and is professionally fluent in Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian, and Macedonian. In retirement he applies his national-security analyst’s perspective and research skills to matters of domestic concern. [...]

Taking America Back

September 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

9/26/2012 - Michael Shaw describes strategies and tools for taking America back, including the Misprision of Treason process, with host Dr. Stan Monteith. [...]
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