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KSCO Radio Archives

Spychips Watching You

March 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

3/3/2012 - Michael Shaw interviews Dr. Katherine Albrecht about how high technology and marketing drive the massive information gathering taking place on all of us. Can this then be used to manage and control individual human action? [...]

Agenda 21 – The Plan to Control Human Destiny

June 4, 2011 | 0 Comments

6/4/2011 - Daniel Beckett interviews Don Casey of Keep Our Rights (AL) to discuss Agenda 21 operations from one end of the country to another. Smart meters, flouride, the right left dialectic addressed. [...]

Exposing the ‘System’ in Santa Cruz

May 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

5/7/2011 - Michael Shaw interviews leaders from the Santa Cruz Freedom Forum, a victorious litigant battling Santa Cruz's vicious 'Red Tag' policy, and hosts a discussion on ICLEI. [...]
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