Education Transformation

Charlotte Iserbyt on Charter Schools and Common Core

October 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

10/12/2013 - Charlotte Iserbyt gives an efficient assessment of what is wrong with Charter schools (controlled without parental input through elected boards and more) and Common Core America's new, federal, education standard. These are issues that should not wait any longer for public attention. Implementation of Agenda 21's education for Global citizenship depends on creating a uniform national educational system able to launch the complete 'transformation' of society at will. [...]

Michael Shaw on American Freedom Watch Radio – Part 1

July 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

7/9/2013 - "The Soviet States of America" - Michael Shaw and Hosts Karen Schoen and John Estabrooks of American Freedom Watch Radio (Florida) discuss how our school system together with the political and economic regionalist program is the essence of a sovietized system. In addition to Education and Regionalism, other topics discussed include the principles behind Agenda 21, the Wildlands Network, the abolition of Private Property, the 3 Es, COGs, Smart Growth, Transportation, Water, One Bay Area, ICLEI, City-States, and What it is You Can Do including Misprision of Treason. [...]

Stop the National Common Core Power Grab

November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

Common Core is a globalist takeover of the American education system, from top to bottom. It was designed by globalists with funds from globalist foundations and [...]

Two Moms Against Common Core

March 21, 2012 | 0 Comments

Two Utah Moms, one a teacher, speak out against the dangers of Common Core, including the loss of local control. For additional information, go to:  [...]

Screening your Child for “Mental Health” – Dismantling the Family

June 15, 2005 | 0 Comments

6/15/2005 - Host Michael Shaw with Dr. Karen Effrem. Congress has imposed massive measures to direct the attitudes, values and beliefs of students. In another major attack on parental authority, preschoolers must now be assessed for their mental health, labeled accordingly and potentially medicated. Dr. Karen Effrem, pediatrician, mother and Board member of Edwatch ( talks of this most disturbing element in the rise of sustainable tyranny. [...]

Fed-Ed: Indoctrinating Global Citizens – Michael Chapman on F21SC Radio

March 17, 2004 | 0 Comments

3/17/2004 - An in-depth look at the Government School System. Michael Chapman is an educational researcher and author. His efforts have uncovered direct links between the restructuring of public schools and Sustainable Development. This show focuses on what to do with your child's education. [...]

America’s Choice: Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 3 of 5) – Michael Chapman

February 12, 2004 | 0 Comments

America's Choice (Part 3 of 5) - Michael Chapman: Education

Michael Chapman - Transformational Education - Preparing Our Children for Global Citizenship

Michael Chapman is an educational researcher and author. His efforts have uncovered direct links between the restructuring of public schools using programs such as Goals 2000 and School-to-Work and the restructuring of communities using Sustainable Development. Presented at The Summit at Camp Davis in Maine, February 2004.
