Michael Shaw describes how Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development have become integrated into our society and politics. He also discloses the source of Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development and gives suggestions on how to protect yourself. [7:35 minutes] [...]
Michael Shaw describes how globalism advances at the local level. The Monterey Bay area of California is used as an example. Globalists and government grants fund programs [...]
Michael Shaw presents “Sustainable Development: Ending the American Experience” at the 9th Annual Freedom 21 Conference in Dallas, Texas, July 24, 2008. [...]
Michael Shaw presents “The Nature of Sustainable Development: The Transformation of America’s Systems of Government, Justice and Economics” at the Radio [...]
Michael Shaw of Freedom 21 Santa Cruz (now Freedom Advocates) and Dr. Stanley Monteith of Radio Liberty explain United Nations Agenda 21 at the Eagle Forum of California Conference in Sonoma County, CA, September 16, 2006. Shaw presents "The Nature of Sustainable Development: The Transformation of America’s Systems of Government, Justice and Economics", while Dr. Monteith talks about its connections to powerful people and their Agenda for the world. [...]
Michael Shaw speaks at The Independent Institute in Oakland, California, August 2006. Shaw contrasts Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 with Abundance Ecology. [38 minutes] [...]