From California to Alabama – Code Enforcement has Become an Arm of Sustainable Development
Posted on Freedom Advocates on September 15th 2008
Sacramento residents face a similar threat to private property. There is now a program in Sacramento that requires inspection of all rental homes. The city will charge the homeowner a yearly fee and require improvements on any item that is not ‘up to code’. Read about it here and contact anyone you may know in Sacramento. Be prepared for this to arrive in Any Town, USA.
Henry Lamb writes in his recent article “What happened to Freedom?” that code enforcement in Marshall County, Alabama is an arm of social engineering and sustainable development. The goal is to move people out of rural and suburban neighborhoods into dense smart growth communities. The person that Henry Lamb uses in his example, Mr. Moss Dalrymple, gives rise to the concern that we should all have when one person is threatened with heavy-handed code enforcement penalties.
The Santa Cruz County code book directs development away from rural areas thereby justifying their brutal code enforcement policies. By directing development away from rural areas, Santa Cruz implements the objectives of Sustainable Development aka Agenda 21 and the Biodiversity Assessment Report. The Biodiversity Report reveals that private property, farms, rangelands, and single-family housing are “unsustainable.”
Related Planning and Code Enforcement Articles:
The Global Safety Cult and the Abolition of Private Property
Code Enforcement – Don’t Come Knocking on My Door
Santa Cruz – The Gestapo of the West
The Gestapo of the West 8 Years Later
Code Enforcement Falsely Subjects Widow to “Red-tags”
Related Code Enforcement Radio:
Code Enforcement with host David Smith and ex-county Code Inspector Claire Machado
Carrick Legal Documents Relative to the Demurrer Action:
Opposition to Demurrer (PDF) Verified Cross Action (PDF)
Declaration of Howard Wilkins in Support of Opposition (PDF)
Notice of Lodging of Non-California Authorities in Support (PDF)
Demurrer and Memorandum of Points and Authorities (PDF)
*Carrick’s September hearing on the County’s Demurrer has been postponed. No new date at this time.
This article contains links to outside sources not controlled by Freedom Advocates and therefore are subject to change.