Transforming America: Understanding the Trans-Texas Corridor in Context of Sustainable Development
Michael Shaw, President of Freedom Advocates made localized editions of the following presentation to audiences in central Wisconsin, Austin Texas, and at the Freedom 21 Conference in Dallas Texas during July 2007. Shaw’s presentation provides a focused assessment of globalist Sustainable policies designed to destroy American values and lifestyles.
Transforming America: Understanding the Trans-Texas Corridor in the Context of Sustainable Development
Understand Sustainable Development as the reordering of America.
Sustainable Development is the philosophy designed to bring human beings across the globe under the full control of a narrow human elite. Sustainable Developers have designed a global movement, coordinated though a global to local action plan, to create a world governance in accordance with certain objectives. These objectives include an end to national sovereignty, the abolition of private property, the restructure of the family unit, and increasing limitations and restrictions on mobility and individual opportunity. The methods for the achievement of these goals is being funded by the federal government and is being achieved via a thousand points of darkness including; U.S. monetary policy, tax policy, water policy, environmental policy, war policy, education policy and foreign policy. The focus of Sustainable Development is the abolition of private property, societal undermining of the family and the abandonment of Constitutional protection of unalienable rights described in the Declaration of Independence.
This globalist Sustainable movement is comprised in America to include the Democrat party leadership, the Republican party leadership, Communist Anarchists, anarchist libertarians, Greens, public/private partners including many multinational corporations, socialists, Neo Conservatives, capitalists and ‘third way’ Fabians – something for everyone! Political consensus has been declared!
Seeing the big picture: The Sustainable globalists’ goal is the orchestration of a planned fall of America principles, values and lifestyle. The effect on the average American will be devastating. With modernizing technology the ordinary person will live without independence, privacy or substantive rights.
A frequent symbol used by Sustainable Development advocates is the “Three E” chart. The three E’s of Sustainable Development are Equity, Economy and Environment.
Sustainable Equity means the restructure of human nature. Like Communism, it relies on a system of “social justice” that works to abolish the American concept of equal justice in order to pursue the globalist idea of “common good”. The pursuit of a centrally determined “common good” ultimately requires a police state to suppress individual freedoms.
The second “E” is economy. Sustainable Development relies on Fabian socialist economics which like Italian Fascism relies on businesses that want the protection afforded by government’s legalized force and government that wants the power of business. Today this is called “public-private partnership.” Sustainable Development redefines free trade to mean centralized global trade “freely” crossing national borders in order to effect an international redistribution of American financial and natural resources. Non-Governmental Organizations accredited by the United Nations and other “non profits” are used as bridges to transform the system of the American economy by destroying free enterprise and abolishing private property step by step.
The third “E” is the environment. Sustainable Development is not really about “saving” nature. It is about a revolutionary coup in America. It is about establishing global governance and abandoning the principles of Natural Law. Sustainable Developers are committed to abolishing private property and to destroying individual liberty, equal justice and limited government. Link by link, Sustainable Development seeks to destroy the governing authority of the United States Constitution, subvert the principles of the Declaration of Independence and turn this nation – indeed any sovereign nation – into a globally governed “homeland” where human beings are treated as biological resources subject to “human rights”. The politically based environmental movement provides Sustainable Developers camouflage as they work to transform the American systems of justice, economics and government.
Understanding the Trans Texas Corridor in the context of Globalism, “Free Trade”, and the “Sustainable Economy”
First, we need to understand Public Private Partnerships, the growing rage in big and little business. Public-private partnerships are a marriage between business and government. As described by the economic E of Sustainable Development, public-private partnerships bring businesses desiring the protection offered by government’s legalized force together with government agents that want the power offered by economic control.
The Trans Texas Corridor is a public private partnership between the state of Texas and Cinta, a Spanish corporation. The consequence of creating this PPP include an economic, and perhaps a military, Trojan Horse that will be given open landing in America and a colossal road to infuse political/economic Sustainable globalism throughout America.
Are Americans ready to throw fate to the wind?
The Trans Texas Corridor is the literal pathway to the economic equalization of nations. In order to meet the global economic equalization objectives of the economic ‘E’, the system requires global management of trade. Managed trade necessarily means bringing down American production and ultimately middle class standards of living. American economic submission and political regionalization is designed to lead to a borderless world – The Trans-Texas Corridor is designed as a step toward world governance.
The facts lead me to ask: Is Sustainable Development’s free trade policy, coupled with fiat money, building America’s conquering enemy? If so, would that enemy be global collectivism, a militarized China or both? Are we entering an Orwellian forecasted time of perpetual and global war to establish global control and world “peace”? A peace that would be dependant upon perpetual, uniform and universal compliance to the new world system? Is sustainable policy a major step toward that end? You need to decide what you think.
Citizens need to find one or more circumstances that facilitates their linkage of the globalist dots operating in America today
Let me offer a few Examples of ideas of how you might connect the dots:
1. U.S. Federal Reserve notes are funny money and have no real backing. It is simply decreed, printed and therefore “fiat”. Throughout history fiat money has always ended in failure. How long before the Federal Reserve or its successor issues new American currency? What would destruction of today’s fiat dollar bring to ordinary people? Would it lead to repressive and controlling changes in our form of government? Understanding our monetary system and its use in perpetrating a globalist system of control makes an easy an analysis of sustainable methodology. If you have not seen Aaron Russo’s America: Freedom to Fascism, which explains our globalist, unconstitutional money system visit Freedom and get your copy. Spread the word!
2. Another way to root your understanding is to recognize the effort seeking to abolish Private Property. Sustainable Developers are changing the American system of economics from free enterprise to public private partnership. Understanding the role of private property in a free society is the key to a successful defense of individual liberty. George Washington said it succinctly: “Private property and freedom are inseparable”.
3. Still another way is to understand the big picture is to recognize the advance of so-called Communitarian Law – which is moving us from equal justice to a system of “social justice”. In other words, American law is being transformed to meet the “equity” requirements of Sustainable Development. Originally American law sought to protect the individual. The evolving law is governed by Communitarian principles that protect the interests of “society” as discerned by a manipulative elite power base and their field agents.
4. For many, an understanding of the globalist takeover in America will come with a realization of the level of educational indoctrination in our government schools with more surely to come. For several years I have asserted that California had committed, through legislation, to make “the environment” central to the teaching of all school subjects. In May, 2007 the Santa Cruz County Office of Education announced its plan to include environmental principles in ALL subject areas in ALL grades”. A similar program is being introduced in 19 California counties.
“…high school seniors will tackle concepts like the way property influences the use of scarce resources” (Matt King, Santa Cruz Sentinel, May 6, 2007)
Maybe it has become important that mom and dad find out just what is happening in their schools.
The federal department of education has proclaimed 2006 to 2015 as the “Decade of Sustainable Development education”. Responsibility for our children’s educational growth is in dangerous hands. Take appropriate action to protect your children and lead others to this understanding.
The biggest mistake we make is thinking the problem is leftist or rightist. The problem comes from the manipulation of a left/right political spectrum.
An artificial Dialectic is a contrived or man made process. An artificial Dialectic poses seemingly opposite objectives. It is intended to result in a predictable outcome. It is a form of psychological manipulation that utilizes the identification of a “thesis” and corresponding “antithesis”. In the case of an artificial Dialectic the thesis and the antithesis are actually chosen and pursued so to achieve a predetermined
“synthesis” – the real objective of the sponsors.
The challenge for these evil doers is to bracket the public’s “choice” between contrasting alternatives each predicated on legal positivism. Under a legal positivism régime the “rights” of man are granted and revoked. Human rights, animal rights – there is no difference.
The “thesis” of this artificial dialectic is formed by people and organizations who advocate combining the force of government with the power of business – Public/private partnerships.
The artificial dialectic’s populist “antithesis” has been designed to rally the groupings of people around the concept of social justice. Social justice is: using the law to engineer society. The objective of Sustainable Development is the end of the era of equal justice.
“Not possible” you say. “Americans would never accept tyranny’s silent revolution!” But might Americans accept a new cover on an old game? Would Americans accept an evolving Fabian system of economics, centralized, controlled and managed with the objective of abolishing private property and free enterprise; and an authoritarian system of justice; if they were wrapped with a “new” central organizing principle? Such is the purpose of the environmental movement.
Sustainable Environmentalism attempts to put nature before ordinary man. Man’s property, his liberty and his life become subordinate to the elitist manipulation made in the name of the environment! Recognizing the central purpose behind today’s environmental scares is essential to understanding the artificial dialectic behind Sustainable trouble. Environmental scares fuel the artificial dialectic.
The phony “battle” between the left and the right is moving society downward, right – left, step-by-step, toward the transformation of America. Sustainable Development is the synthesis of the artificial dialectic.
The purpose of Sustainable Development is to create a government controlled society.
Using a real life example:
In 1985 my wife and I purchased a 75 acre parcel overlooking the Pacific Ocean on the urban edge within Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz lies adjacent to Santa Clara, anchored by San Jose which is or was the high tech capital of the world. Santa Cruz is a small county lined on the west with expansive sun drenched beaches and on the east and north with a rich redwood forested mountain. The southern portion of the county is very fertile farmland.
The land we bought is west of Highway 1 and consists of two small north/south ocean view hills and a valley with a seasonal stream flowing through the middle. Half the land was in pasture grass, the other half in coast oaks. The oaks were impenetrable as they were covered with walls of poison oak as high as 40 feet tall. Following our cessation of grazing, the grasslands became full of thistles and burrs requiring plastic pants to pass through.
Immediately following purchase I embarked on two programs:
1. A four lot subdivision. The land was and is zoned for up to 30 homes.
2. A plant management program best described as seed bank management.
The results:
1. I got stuck in development hell. After 2 ½ years we received a dubious denial of any economic use
2. Our plant management program – Our transformation resulted in over 250 species of California native plants. These plant species were recovered from dormant long lived seed banks buried in the soil. For over 20 years a crew has worked 6 days a week in achieving this breakthrough ecological advance.
In 2002 the achievement was featured on the cover of the international science journal Ecological Restoration, published by the University of Wisconsin arboretum at Madison.
Today we call this landscape Liberty Garden. It is unique and wonderful. But we still have not been able to establish our residence there.
During the 90’s I sat on the Santa Cruz Resource Conservation District board of Directors. In that capacity, I was lured into the “Local Agenda 21” council. These were bizarre meetings; “mother earth was not to be scratched”, trees were not to be cut, children were to learn a new living ethic, and human living was to conform to Smart Growth mandates. I could not relate and dismissed the program as nonsense.
Several years later the County Board of Supervisors quietly adopted the Local Agenda 21 as its policy guide to the implementation of Sustainable Development. That is when my wife and I got busy, forming Freedom Advocates
Most forest owners in Santa Cruz cannot cut a tree. The California Supreme Court has recently ruled in the County government’s favor. Farmers in the fertile Pajaro Valley are being taxed increasing amounts to draw water from their own wells. Last month the state appeals court overruled a county court and invalidated the tax. The county has appealed to the state Supreme Court. A land war over the idea of private property is in progress.
Growing the basis for optimism – I’m laying out a disturbing scenario. How do we grow a basis for optimism?
Recognize reality
We can’t fight what we do not understand. If we fight locally without understanding the big picture we will become overwhelmed with the depth of the alternative programs readied to secure this globalist objective. It is in understanding the Sustainable Development objectives that we can formulate effective responses to establish or protect freedom and genuine peace.
Organize locally
Understand global to local connections and sustainability patterns; fight when purposeful, inform at every opportunity.
Stop the Trans-Texas CorridorA man named Gary Lawrence, A chief planner for the city of Seattle was an advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development. He was also a delegate to the 1998 UNEP conference in the UK where he said: “Participating in a U.N. advocated process would likely bring out many who would actively work to defeat any local official undertaking Local Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development. So we call our process something else such as ‘comprehensive planning’, ‘growth management’ or ‘smart growth’”. Texans can and have fought back by thinking local, and becoming vocal. Citizen action to thwart the Trans-Texas Corridor is the base for people in this state to reestablish our national boundary and protect free enterprise. Think about becoming a “big issue leader”; realize that if you win this battle the next one will intensify.
So continue to act in advance – while fighting in the trenches; work underneath the transformational fury and cause your neighbors, family and townspeople to gain a growing understanding of Sustainable Development. You can rely on Freedom Advocates products in assisting your effort.
Our work at Freedom Advocates is designed to assist you in gaining an understanding and in forging a reaction to the sustainable action plan in your community.
To that end we offer you a compilation and analysis of Sustainable Development at our website; Freedom Get the information. Spread the word! Sign up for more information.
Components of the Sustainable Development ideology
1. Attack on Private Property
Many people haven’t learned or have forgotten what private property is. So let us make a quick analysis: The character of private property is unsubsidized productive effort – and voluntary trade – un”managed” by globalist political economics. The ideals of private property protect the freedom to think and the freedom to express because the ideals of private property require a culture’s adherence to principles that guarantee to each of us – freedom of action – limited by respect for the property of another.
A spontaneous order results from voluntary trade, causing mutual benefit and societal gains. This is not a difficult idea to understand. But largely our children do not receive this message.
The essence of private property lies in an owner’s determination of use. Private property is not a thing. It is the relationship between a person and something. The essence of this relationship is the owner’s determination of the property’s use.
To be who you are, to own your own self and the product of your energy, and to possess the authority and the responsibility for your actions; These are the foundations for your pursuit of happiness. A society with rising happiness promotes genuine peace and prosperity. Such a society pursues the ideals and the institutions of individual liberty; and its corollary; private property.
Today the politicians and insiders are transforming America; We are being changed from a nation rooted in private property to one based on a different system of economics;
Here are a few illustrations demonstrating the transformation:
a. Eminent Domain
Americans have lost the federal protection of the unalienable right to the use and enjoyment of private property. The US Supreme Court, in its 2006 decision in Kelo greatly expanded the use of a government takings power by eliminating the public use requirement of the Fifth Amendment. This decision allows an ongoing proliferation of public private partnerships; The Globalists and their Sustainable Developers needed Kelo in order to destroy the constitutional protection of private property. The court’s majority betrayed the American ideal. In doing so the door was opened for the trans Texas Corridor and Smart Growth programs; Remember G. Washington’s truth about the connection between private property and freedom; and know this -The fight over the trans Texas Corridor and Smart Growth is local! All of us become united by advancing Local Action for National Impact!!
b. Action Plans
A second method to gain a big picture perspective of the economic revolution in this country is to understand Sustainable Development’s land use Action Plans; Smart Growth and the Wildland Project.These are the Action plans to implement the land use element of Sustainable Development. Understanding this map will cause you to never see you local newspaper in the same light because American corporate news interests do not inform us of the conditions relating to the transformation of the American economic model:
The red areas are the Wildland zones. These areas are to be void of human presence. No exaction of resources will be allowed.
The yellow areas are buffer zones “protecting” the Wildland areas – Only limited and controlled actions will be allowed.
The black dots are Smart Growth zones.
Smart Growth is designed to assure that wildlife can roam freely while ordinary humans become locked into very narrow living areas.
This map was presented to the Senate in 1994 in order to describe the U.N.’s global biodiversity treaty. This treaty was produced at the same UN conference as was Sustainable Development /Agenda 21. The Senate was prepared to adopt this treaty when the map was presented. With the Wildlands Project exposed to our national lawmakers the treaty did not come to a vote. That’s the good news. The rest of the story is that both the Wildlands Project and Smart Growth have advanced with full federal funding ever since. More than a decade later Dr Coffman updated and expanded this information, with his DVD – Taking Liberty.
c. Water Policy
Like Texas, California’s flag has a single red star. The Republic of Texas inspired the organization of the California Republic. Texas and California are the two places in the world that created the most perfected private property water law. After all, private property, properly understood extends to the center of the earth. Water as a resource creates a special circumstance under property law since water crosses property boundaries.In California, property interests in water are now under constant and increasing attack. In my state, Sustainable Development agencies are implementing “conjunctive use” water policy. One conjunctive use trick is to transport water between aquifers via surface pipes. This represents big business opportunities for the Sustainable “partners”! The argument behind “conjunctive use” is that if one aquifer is fed water from a different aquifer the resulting “mixed” water is no longer a property right that attaches to the overlying land; therefore the property right to water is ‘lost’.
Water becomes fully collectivized under conjunctive use rules. If Sustainable Developers win this battle, Smart Growth policy will easily achieve its objective as rural residents relocate to get water. Then we will all live by fascist/Communist ‘global to local’ law. Smart Growth living is being established for this purpose. Control the water, abolish private property, and then control the people.
The Sierra Club controls water districts throughout the West. As a “Non Governmental Organization”, the Sierra Club is accredited by the U.N. for the purpose of implementing Sustainable Development policy. The Sierra Club’s primary action plan is to gain control over Water Districts. The purpose is to assure that water rights are lost and water becomes collectivized.
Water and its availability determine where we live, how we live, what we eat and even if we live. The World Bank water policy calls for limiting use to 10 gallons a day per person and for the construction of continental delivery systems for water. The average American uses 140 gallons a day.
Defend private property interests in water! Save your freedom – protect yourself from globalist water policy.
d. Globalist “Free Trade” policy
Another method to gain an understanding of the economic revolution in America is to understand the purpose and effect of globalist trade policy. While calling globalist policy “free trade”, the World Trade Organization seeks to manage trade to benefit multinationals and world governance advocates. By participating in, financing and leading the WTO, the US government is imposing on its citizens and upon the rest of the world, globalist public private partnership economics. The Texas state partnership with the Spanish corporation, Cintra, created in order to construct and manage the Trans Texas Corridor highway that will extend across the continent, typifies this mode of business.
Globally managed economic policy destroys national sovereignty. Once globalist “free trade” is fully secured, only time exists before World governance settles into place with unlimited power over the individual. Consider the continental trade policy which undermined the sovereignty of European nations prior to the formal loss of their political independence via the creation of the European Union. The Trans Texas Corridor is a big step forward on the road to a North American Union. The concept of the NAU is incompatible with the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Continental “Unions” are the pathway that leads to world governance.Another method for understanding the transformation of American economics is to understand Public private partnership economics …Public private economics is planned as the new global system of economics. It can only rise via the elimination of private property which is why farmland and ranches in Texas,and everywhere else, are under increasing attack. The elimination of private property – an owner’s determination of use – is the essence of smart growth policy. Don’t be confused by terminology. Benito Mussolini united government and business to a common mission. During the twentieth century, economics predicated on partnership between government and business was labeled “Fascist” economics. Ideas do not change. What is changing is the economic system that is being orchestrated for Americans. American economics is becoming transformed – from one based on private property to one of public/private partnership. Texas and America are being transformed from a system of free enterprise to a fascist economic system!
One can also begin seeing the big picture of the economic transformation by examining: The global warming swindle, The World Bank, the banking cartel objectives, Green building standards, perpetual war, the energy debacle, immigration policy and so on. These are all ingredients to the planned transformation of American systems of justice, economics and governance.
2. Educational Transformation
The second major component of Sustainable Development is the establishment of an educational system designed to indoctrinate the youth for global governance. It is preparing the next generation for a “new” world
No Child Left Behind
Bush and Kennedy drew an artificial consensus to advance the left/right globalist takeover of every child’s education.A series of globalist education policies have been adopted by Congress over that past several decades. The most recent is No Child Left Behind. Note the timing of Bush policy priorities. An early first term priority of Bush was the education legislation designed to prepare children to accept their role in the new globalist politicized society.
Remember the description of how all grades and all classes taught in Santa Cruz must advance the teaching of the environmental movement priorities. This is a crucially significant example of psychological manipulation that has become the cause of public (and many private) education systems. Are your children and grandchildren leaning about the real meaning and significance of equal justice and free enterprise and of the consequences of abandoning them? Americans need a crash course in liberty, before the youth are unrecoverable, before human liberty is phased out and before tyranny takes rule over earth for a very long time. Dr George Riesman, author and professor of economics at Pepperdine University, warns of a new dark age if we do not recover the ideals of private property – soon.
Rooting a new system of justice
The Precautionary Principal is being taught to prepare students for the transformation to world government and a new governing philosophy. Understand the Precautionary Principle – It holds that a person may not take action IF that action may cause harm. Harm to what? The answer is nebulously defined as “the environment”.
In Santa Cruz, the federal Department of Interior working with local officials and business interests attempted to effect rules that would prohibit many landowners in the county from waking on their property during the winter in order to avoid the possibility of stepping on a long toed salamander during its mating season! Such “precautionary” practices are designed to shift legal presumptions in civil and criminal law. Imagine having to prove that while walking on “your” land that you did not step on a salamander! These changes in the law are designed to destroy private property and subjugate ordinary people to elitist control. The LA County school system teaches the Precautionary Principle and its – totalitarian inducing – legal presumptions and burdens. Teachers and students around the country are under philosophical siege. Our children and humanity will pay a heavy price if we do not reverse course – soon.
3. Population Control
The third component of Sustainable ideology is Population Control – The Sustainable movement is about the Destruction of your Rights; Creating Crisis, Shortage and a Police State
Let’s look at the environmental movement – Government has a role in protecting against pollution of the water, air and property of another. But the environmental movement of today is not what that simple idea is all about. Today the environmental movement is the public front for the transformation of our system of economics and justice. When the transformation is complete, my generation’s legacy will be cemented. We will have sealed for our posterity their status as biological resources that serve the whims of a ruling elite. And in California many people really think the environmental movement is about “saving …Lake Tahoe”!
At the core, Sustainable Development is about Reducing human population – David Foreman was an originator of the Wildlands Project. He has called for a world population of 100,000 people. Jacques Cousteau said that 350,000 need to be “eliminated” every day for two decades to bring the world’s population into balance! Within the U.N.’s Global Biodiversity Assessment, which was released at the same time Sustainable Development policies were unleashed, the following policies were announced:
“Population growth has exceeded the capacity of the biosphere”
“It is estimated that an ‘agricultural world’ in which most human beings are peasants should be able to support 5 to 7 billion people…” “. . . In contrast, a reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present north American material standard of living would be 1 billion.” Section pp 773
Summarizing the goals of Sustainable Development:
Establishment of a “New” system of economics and a “new” system of justice
These new systems discard the principles and purposes of the Declaration of Independence. The new systems prepare America for the destruction of the middle class and for our entry into world governance.
Establishing a world religion based on environmental principles
Church institutions jockey for position of inclusion in the new world order. A willingness to reinterpret and reapply biblical principles is centering the objectives of many Christian denominations. Ecumenicalism for universal spiritualism is a driving force of major religions. The basics of Western spirituality, including the idea that each individual is enabled with unalienable rights, and is made in the image and likeness of God, are being reinvented. Wake up the genuine servants of god to the real thrust of globalism before it becomes too late. The people need real spiritual leadership.
Reduced human population
The new system of economics will not support current population lifestyles and numbers. The new system of justice (so called equity) will not encourage human life. The environmental movement will not allow resource use adequate to meet current population levels.World government
The ‘Think globally act locally’ ritual is rooted in August Comte’s philosophy of Positivism. Implementation is lead by Fabian Socialists, global banking interests and international political and economic organizations including many multinational corporations. For more information I refer you to the Classic Freedom 21 Santa Cruz Radio table where you will find much on these fascinating connections
Review of the links between Sustainable Development policy and the Trans Texas Corridor and North America Union:
Using Eminent Domain to build the highway in order to promote public/private partnerships.
The Trans Texas Corridor would not be possible without the Kelo decision. This decision disfigured the “pubic use” requirement of the Fifth Amendment prohibition against government’s taking of private property. Texans needed the Fifth Amendment to protect the landowners along the corridor and Americans need the Fifth Amendment to save us from this Trojan Horse. Globalist public private partnerships have been unleashed on America!
Using the highway to promote Public Private Partnership Globalist “Free Trade” policy
The political globalist goal is a system of managed trade. It is not trade freely occurring between people. Under managed trade policy multinational business interests combine with tyrannical governments. The result is flooding America with Trojan Horses. Liberty is the target, the middle class the victim, control is the motive.
Using the highway to harm American sovereignty and promote world government
When national governments relinquish its power to control trade policy, it surrenders itself fully to outside power. Trade policy initiated the European Union, now it ushers the way for a North American Union. The NAU means a harmonization of North American law – a common political and economic philosophy with Mexico and Canada – The result will not be based on unalienable right and a limited government. The replacement philosophy is geared for world government. America is languishing.
Understand the threat and defend Liberty; take action and spread the word
Sustainable Development and Smart Growth is global collectivism. It is the abolishment of private property and the end of the America era of equal justice. It has made substantial advance within all levels of American government and business.
Sustainable Development includes a tenet to drastically reduce human population. It operates locally to create a global to local connection. It creates political regions in order to eliminate political boundaries.
Sustainable Developers (and their predecessors) cloud the sky while operating in the shadows. They design and operate a plan that will subjugate humanity to a “new order”. This evolving political/economic movement has moved like a turtle for over a century. Their leaders have long promised that the turtle will become a hare as the ‘change’ takes place. Is now that time?
What does one do when human liberty is under grand threat?
Inform your self and others. Cause freedom to become cemented through the ideals of private property. When the issues are understood each person will find their own way to contribute to saving America – for the benefit of this and future generations. Our common challenge is in spreading the word of the American predicament. Solutions exist!
The Red Coats are coming! So are the brown shirts and with them are the Green coats. A new system of justice and new economics are advancing under the cover of a political-environmental spirituality. Sustainability is happening. Will we lose by default and ignorance? Is the human spirit gone? Have we been dumbed out?
I do not think so. Some will have regrets when they realize that the party is over and that the threat is real. Others will continue to live in denial. A few will become more desperate in pursuing the Sustainable ends. But those committed to: self evident truth, or to a political system dedicated to individual liberty, or to the 10 Commandments or to certain other paths, will discover an understanding of the tyranny behind the Sustainable Threat. We can rise to meet mankind’s greatest challenge ever, and defeat Sustainable Development. When we do that we will have protected and preserved mankind’s greatest achievement – America’s Declaration of Independence.
Long live Freedom!