The Ultimate War: Globalism vs. America

With a locally tailored presentation Freedom Advocates President, Michael Shaw presents basic patterns and concepts relating to the Global to Local assault on unalienable rights and individual liberty. Shaw demonstrates how modern political mechanisms including COGs, international policies, and federal implementation of Agenda 21 are now being carried out in local communities. Learn how this occurs and what it is that you must do to turn the tide.


Part 1 – General Overview of Agenda 21

Speech text and slides from Part 1 of Michael Shaw’s presentation “The Ultimate War: Globalism vs. America.” This overview of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development originated as part of a national speech tour by Michael Shaw in 22 communities across the nation. In this exposé Shaw illustrates the local infiltration of globalist policy in the community in which he is speaking (see Part 2 below for each location).

Part 1 Speech Text with slides here

Part 2 – Local Applications of Agenda 21

“Citizens must prevent the arranged development of Agenda 21 policies from being adopted, and/or reversing these policies when already adopted. This action is being taken in locales across the country.  To win your local war, you must first learn of your area’s local Agenda 21 program. The pattern you will see is the same pattern in operation – everywhere across America.”


Horseshoe Bend (10/19/2010)Speech text with slidesvideo not available
Little Rock (10/22/2010)Speech text with slidesVideo


Amador County (3/10/2011)Speech text with slidesVideo
Fresno (10/29/2011)Speech text with slidesVideo
Los Angeles (2/21/2010)Speech text with slidesvideo not available
Santa Cruz (6/9/2010)Speech text with slidesVideo
Santa Cruz (10/17/2010)
- Radio Liberty Seminar
Speech text with slidesVideo
Santa Rosa (8/6/2011)Speech text with slidesVideo
West Los Angeles (5/29/2011)Speech text with slidesvideo not available


Denver (4/17/2010)Speech text with slides (Parts 1 & 2)video not available


Central Florida (2/26/2011)Speech text with slides (Parts 1 & 2)Video


Hamilton (3/2/2010)Speech text with slidesVideo


Oklahoma City (6/14/2012)Speech text with slidesVideo


Southern Oregon (10/9/2010)Speech text with slidesVideo


Valley Forge (8/12/2010)Speech text with slidesVideo


Austin (10/27/2010)Speech text with slidesvideo not available
Fort Worth (3/19/2011)Speech text with slidesVideo
San Antonio (10/25/2010)Speech text with slidesVideo
San Marcos (10/28/2010)Speech text with slidesVideo


Olympic Peninsula (7/17/2010)Speech text with slidesvideo not available
Tacoma (8/21/2010)Speech text with slidesVideo


Jefferson County (9/15/2012)Speech text with slidesVideo