The Cost of Sustainable Development
By Henry Lamb, 7/5/2005 - A briefing paper that discusses the threat Agenda 21 poses to the U.S. Constitution.
[...]By Henry Lamb, 7/5/2005 - A briefing paper that discusses the threat Agenda 21 poses to the U.S. Constitution.
[...]By Henry Lamb, 6/30/2005 -
June 2005 Hollow Rock, Tenn. -- United Nations biosphere reserves are being created across America through a little-known program called "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB). A Biosphere Reserve is a massive land area divided into three zones: core wilderness areas; buffer zones; and a transitional area. The plan is to continually enlarge each of the zones. For example, The Southern Appalachian MAB (SAMAB) was originally designated to be the Smoky Mountains National Park, an area of 517,000 acres. It has now grown to embrace an area stretching from near Birmingham, Alabama, to near Roanoke, Virginia.
[...]By Don Casey, 6/29/2005 - Usually "Sustainable" programs are labeled by their proponents as "local". They are not. As Don Casey reports from Alabama, the program uses buzzwords that also appear in your community. America is being transformed into political "regions" via a sweet sounding stealth program that is being managed by global policy.
[...]6/29/2005 - Are the change agents in your state still denying the existence of Agenda 21, calling it a "conspiracy theory"? Rich in links to federal, state, and other programs, the USA 2002 Report to the United Nations summarizes our "progress" in attaining the ominous objectives of Agenda 21.
[...]6/28/2005, Santa Cruz, CA -- County Supervisor, Ellen Pirie released this sketch depicting the Aptos Village Plan. One can see very dense multi-story housing mixed with commercial development right at the edge of the railroad tracks. There is limited parking and residences don't have garages.
[...]By Dan Byflield, 6/27/2005 - Smooth salesmen and lawyers representing land trusts, environmental organizations and government agencies are swooping down upon America’s beleaguered and highly regulated rural landowners. With a smile, some cash and a contract, America's landowners are rapidly losing private control of natural resources.
[...]"Vision" programs are everywhere. What are they and where did they come from? In short, a "vision plan" is a Sustainable Development program designed to transform a system of private property into collective land management and centralized government. Don't be fooled by the smiles and cookies at your communities visioning sessions! Dr. Steven Yates reports from South Carolina.
[...]By Nancy Levant, 4/12/2005 - America's new political system, Communitarianism, is up and operating in all 50 states, one new community at a time. These communities comprise of brand new housing, interconnected or very closely clustered single dwellings, nice walkways, not much grass, commons areas, security details...but there is much more to these communities than meets the eye much more.
[...]By Michael Park, 2/23/2005 -
Some Santa Cruz County politicians celebrated the United Nation's Human Rights Day with typical public deception. Papers were handed out that OMITTED a critical part of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
[...]By Jay Lehr, Ph.D., 2/10/2005 - When textbooks preach Sustainable Development "science" rather than teaching the facts, children are being indoctrinated. Heartland's Jay Lehr reviews the recently-released The Future of the Earth: An Introduction to Sustainable Development for Young Readers.
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