Articles by pwood

Post’s “Big Green” Series Hits a Nerve

May 30, 2003 | 0 Comments

SUMMARY: Liberty Matters News Service (5/22/03) -- The Washington Post's in-depth investigation of questionable land deals made by the giant green Nature Conservancy has kicked up a lot of dust. Joe Stevens and David Ottaway gathered reams of material and conducted exhaustive interviews that revealed the Conservancy may have been playing fast and loose with IRS rules governing the activities of charitable organizations.


It is Time for Straight Answers from the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

4/30/2003 - Ray AmRhein asks the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency "Who owns the groundwater in a farmer's well" and finds the answers, and the agengy's practices, violate the law -- and the private property of Santa Cruz County residents. In this Watsonville Register-Pajaronian article (4/30/2003), AmRhein uses his 49 years of experience in water law to compare PVWMA practices with the law, and finds that "for over 10 years the [PVWMA] directors have been acting under the false premise that the state owns the water."


WorldNetDaily Reveals Plan for World Government through Councils

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

The United States stands as the "last major impediment to global governance", according to the May edition of's magazine, Whistleblower Magazine. Of particular note for Santa Cruz County residents is that this renowned national publication specifically sites Santa Cruz as a ground-zero point for implementation of global government at a local level. This is groundbreaking research for a national publication. Spread the word...


Want to Protect the Earth? Then Protect Private Property!

May 23, 2003 | 0 Comments

5/23/2003 -

SUMMARY: Do we have to choose between protecting the environment and growing the economy? J. David Breemer from the Pacific Legal Foundation argues that we don't. In fact, he says, "environmental improvements happen because of, not in spite of, private property and free enterprise."


Global Warming Myth Debunked

May 22, 2003 | 0 Comments

By, 5/22/2003 - Will Chicken Little finally get the pink slip from "special interest" groups? Right. o­n the bright side: maybe the emperor doesn't need clothes after all. This summary of Access to Energy research provides access to vital information you should know about the Global Warming myth, including a petition signed by 17,000 scientists opposed to the Kyoto protocols and the myth of human-caused global warming. [...]

Rails Fails in San Jose, California

May 21, 2003 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates Staff, 5/21/2003 -

When it comes to travel, Californians still want independence and freedom of choice. An endless barrage of expensive "expert studies" has failed to convince taxpayers to opt for collectivist models of transportation, yet road maintenance and infrastructure improvement have been "sidetracked" for 30 years. Why?


ESA: Flawed Law

April 28, 2003 | 0 Comments

4/28/2003 - Summary: The ESA has become a most effective tool in the hands of the preservationists and those intent on destroying the livelihoods of millions of Americans. T. R. Mader, Research Director for the Abundant Wildlife Society of North America tells how and offers solutions.

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