Articles by Staff


March 31, 2017 | 0 Comments

Though much of the content on is historical, the concepts remain. For current news and postings on Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, see Freedom Advocates' Fellow, Patrick Wood's website Technocracy News. Sign up to receive his timely news and information. [...]

The Ultimate War: Globalism vs. America

March 31, 2017 | 0 Comments

Michael Shaw With a locally tailored presentation Freedom Advocates President, Michael Shaw presents basic patterns and concepts relating to the Global to Local assault on unalienable rights and individual liberty. Shaw demonstrates how modern political mechanisms including COGs, international policies, and federal implementation of Agenda 21 are now being carried out in local communities. Learn how this occurs and what it is that you must do to turn the tide.

See The Ultimate War: Globalism vs. America speech and video collection (22 locations) here.


Permit Road Congestion to Increase

December 21, 2016 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates, 12/21/2016

The "Real Reason for New York City's Traffic Nightmare" shows parallels to earlier times in Santa Cruz, California. The common link connecting the policies of cities, big and small, east and west, is the implementation of Agenda 21, Chapter 7 - Human Settlements.

Henry Baker, Deputy Director of the Planning Department (circa 1972) told the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors that in order to gain public transit patronage, they would have to bait people with a carrot and discipline them with a stick. “Make it easy to use,” he said, “with reliable service and improved scheduling, and it will be attractive. But if that doesn’t work, make auto usage difficult, costly, and inconvenient. Permit road congestion to increase.” [emphasis added]

The quote above preceded the creation of Santa Cruz County, California's Transit Corridor Plan, which is designed to reduce lanes and cause road congestion to increase.

  1. Henry Baker told the Board of Supervisors in 1975: “Permit road congestion to increase; Do not build in anticipation of demand.”
  2. Linda Wilshusen wrote a letter to Supervisor Gary Patton in 1988, saying: “…’traffic management’ has very little to do with science and engineering and a lot to do with sociology, marketing and behavior modification, as well as land use, parking and fuel availability, demographics and the like.”
  3. Supervisor Ellen Pirie told the Aptos Chamber of Commerce in 2004: “If we add this [carpool] lane, then we have more possibilities, because then we have a way of getting people out of their cars.”

For more on deliberate traffic problems, go to Transportation articles.


A Time to Sue: Regionalism Challenged

June 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

By Freedom Advocates, 6/5/2013 - The plot to transform the San Francisco Bay Area is largely unknown by the residents living there and overwhelmingly opposed by those who do know. The global boiler plate program called One Bay Area (OBA) or Plan Bay Area will roll out across the nation on a grand scale. OBA involves more than $250,000,000,000 (over a quarter of a trillion dollars). [...]

Common Core: Brave New Schools

May 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

By Cherie Zaslawsky, 5/31/2013 -

The much touted Common Core Standards (CCS) Initiative that is being pushed as a silver bullet to improve our schools is not simply the latest fad in education: CCS is actually an unprecedented program that would radically alter our entire K-12 educational system, affecting content (i.e. curriculum), delivery (largely via computer), testing (also via computer), teacher evaluations (connected to test scores), as well as creating an intrusive database of sensitive information from student “assessments.”


Civilian National Security Force is the Creature in Your Community

September 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Elry Falkenstein III, 9/12/2012 -

In 2007, George W. Bush issued Executive Order 13434, called "National Security Professional Development," a military-industrial cartellization dressed as security. Section 1 states: "In order to enhance the national is the policy of the United States to promote the education, training, and experience of current and future professionals in national security positions in executive departments and agencies." Barack Obama, the first US President to chair the United Nations Security Council, said in a 2008 speech, "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." The "education, training and experience" of "current and future" professionals is rooted in Ch. 36 of the United Nations "global to local action" plan, Agenda 21 and is brought to us by both Republican and Democrat Presidents.


Agenda 21 Timeline

July 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

By Cherie Zaslawsky, 7/15/2012 -

Whether you follow the money or follow the science, it becomes all too clear that the 1% is out to own the world and everyone and everything in it...and this is why we need to fight every aspect of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development, including: Smart Growth, the Grand Boulevard Initiative, Climate Action Plans, Carbon Taxes, Cap-and-Trade, California’s onerous pieces of legislation AB 32 and SB 375 etc.—to remain a free people in a free Republic.

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