ICLEI: Local Governments for Sustainability has had an abundant history of association with the United Nations and the association carries on today. There are over 600 cities and counties within the United States that have contracts with ICLEI. The following quotation was found on the ICLEI.org website in 2009:
[...]By Kathleen Marquardt, 4/10/2010 - Learn how the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank want to control the wealth of the world.
[...]By Kathleen Marquardt, 4/6/2010 - The quote from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s statement introducing Country Reports on Human Rights sounds good but misses or distorts a major tenant of American culture. It is not democracy that insures unalienable rights to all individuals. Democracy does not protect the rights that are naturally ours. Either I misjudged in thinking that Hillary was alluding to our unalienable rights in the quote or Hillary wanted to give democracy far more credit than it deserves.
[...]By Carolin Burch - Contrary to what you are being told the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) is not dead; just renamed, reworded and still very much alive. This was the message brought to the Ozarks Property Rights Congress (OPRC) meeting in Gainesville, Missouri on Thursday, February 11, 2010 by Bob Parker who said he hated to bring that news.
[...]By C. Russell Wood, 2/26/2010 - On February 10, 2010 USDA announced that it will revise the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) policy and offer a new approach to achieving animal disease traceability. USDA concedes in their fact sheet that they were forced to once again alter their animal identification proposal due to the opposition of the American public. However, this is not the first time USDA has revised their wording and reshuffled the deck to get the public to register their premises and their animals with them.
[...]The fraud of man-made climate change was exposed from emails at the University of East Anglica. Global average temperatures have not warmed for over a decade. The United Nations Climate Accords in Copenhagen (Cop15) failed to result in worldwide agreements, yet the beat goes on. Climate change policies will continue to operate covertly at the local level to develop socially engineered and controlled communities. Many local officials are committing acts of treason. Local people like you have the power to stop them.
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