ICLEI is a Conspiracy and That’s No Theory
By Stacy Lynne Posted on Freedom Advocates on August 20th 2010
Conspiracy: An illegal, treasonable, or treacherous plan to harm or destroy another person, group or entity; an agreement manifesting itself in words or deeds and made by two or more persons confederating to do an unlawful act or use unlawful means to do an act which is lawful; a combination of persons banded together and resolved to accomplish an evil or unlawful end. (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary) Theory: Imaginative contemplation of reality. Fact: Something that has actual existence; an actual happening in time or space; physical actuality or practical experience as distinguished from imagination, speculation or theory.
Arapahoe County, Colorado and ICLEIArapahoe County, including, but not limited to, the cities of Aurora, Englewood and Littleton, are participating members of the foreign organization called the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). Taxpayer money is used for annual dues, to pay city employees who work for ICLEI’s programs, and for programs such as government-owned bicycle businesses. Bicycles are a Big DealICLEI Charter 1.7, Principle 14 says, “Integrate into formal education and lifelong learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life.” ICLEI member cities focus their efforts on ecomobility, multimodal transportation, transit oriented design and multiple other ways of changing your ability to travel by use of personal vehicle. This is accomplished by making driving more expensive and difficult while simultaneously spending millions of taxpayer dollars on government-owned walking, biking and mass transit projects. Emissions from vehicles are blamed by ICLEI as being a primary source of man-made global warming. Scientific studies show that global warming is a natural and cyclical occurrence and man-made emissions are miniscule in proportion to natural sources. ICLEI uses a “precautionary approach” to decision-making: if knowledge, facts and science do not support or show justification for an idea or action then the best course is to act radically and rapidly to prevent something which could or might occur. The City of Fort Collins pays a “bicycle coordinator” a yearly salary equivalent to a police officer. The duties of the city bike employee are to teach people of all ages how to ride bicycles. He has a focused partnership with the school district (Principle 14). The City of Denver, under the direction of ICLEI’s 2009 Cool Mayor, John Hickenlooper, is enacting foreign mandates and spending taxpayer money on bicycles. Denver’s bike sharing program received $210,000 of taxpayer money in 2009. This money was given to the City of Denver through a federal block grant. ICLEI requires member cities to adopt multi-modal transportation policies and bicycle programs meet those requirements. Greenprint Denver is a document produced by ICLEI. Two of ICLEI’s goals include eliminating personal vehicle use and reducing private ownership of property. These two goals are being accomplished through city-owned and operated bicycle programs and by claiming private property through eminent domain. Transit oriented design is ICLEI’s policy of building high density multi-use building on property which is sometimes claimed through eminent domain. These buildings are designed in areas which make vehicle travel difficult. Walking, biking and mass transit become top priority budget items. High density housing communities are typically too small and cost-prohibitive for families. ICLEI cities systematically and methodically make owning and driving a personal vehicle more difficult and expensive. They accomplish this by removing parking spaces and driving lanes, increasing parking fees and car ownership taxes. Privately owned automobile dealers and bicycle shops are adversely affected by this government interference. Media Coverage of ICLEIICLEI is successful in part because they operate largely out of public view. ICLEI is highly organized and when exposed, calls on its associates to conduct focused campaigns in an attempt to ridicule and silence the people who are reporting facts.
What is Wrong with ICLEI?ICLEI is a foreign organization on a mission to transform local governments. Each ICLEI mandate, policy and agenda is based on the principle that the collective good is more important than individual rights; this is in direct opposition to the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence. ICLEI is a Conspiracy and That’s No Theory by Stacy Lynne View Stacy Lynne’s ICLEI presentation here. |