
Michael Shaw speaks at the Ludwig von Mises Institute

March 18, 2006 | 0 Comments

Michael Shaw speaks on Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 at the Ludwig von Mises Institute Conference, March 18, 2006. Shaw presents "The Nature of Sustainable Development: The Transformation of America's Systems of Government, Justice and Economics". [30 minutes] [...]

Michael Shaw – Agenda 21: The Transformation of America

November 19, 2005 | 0 Comments

Michael Shaw explains the consequences of Agenda 21 - the destruction or your rights, shortage, and a police state - at Dr. Stanley Monteith's Radio Liberty Conference, November 19, 2005. Shaw also discusses Freedom 21 Santa Cruz (now Freedom Advocates). [20 minutes] [...]

The Silver Bullet for Liberty

July 16, 2005 | 0 Comments

In this inspiring presentation, Freedom 21 Santa Cruz (now Freedom Advocates) President Michael Shaw and American Policy Center President Tom DeWeese tell an overflow [...]

America’s Choice: Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 5 of 5) – Tom DeWeese

February 12, 2004 | 0 Comments

America's Choice (Part 5 of 5) - Tom DeWeese: Sustainable Development

Tom DeWeese - Sustainable Development - The Wrenching Transformation of America

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, property rights and academics-based education. He has been an activist for over thirty five years. Presented at The Summit at Camp Davis in Maine, February 2004.


America’s Choice: Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 4 of 5) – Beverly Eakman

February 12, 2004 | 0 Comments

America's Choice (Part 4 of 5) - Beverly Eakman: Group Manipulation

Beverly Eakman - Exposing Group Manipulation Tactics

Beverly Eakman is an educator, author, nationally known speaker and recognized expert on how to counter consensus group manipulation tactics imposed by proponents of Sustainable Development. She is one of the five experts on the comprehensive DVD entitled "America's Choice: Liberty or Sustainable Development". Presented at The Summit at Camp Davis in Maine, February 2004.


America’s Choice: Liberty or Sustainable Development (Part 3 of 5) – Michael Chapman

February 12, 2004 | 0 Comments

America's Choice (Part 3 of 5) - Michael Chapman: Education

Michael Chapman - Transformational Education - Preparing Our Children for Global Citizenship

Michael Chapman is an educational researcher and author. His efforts have uncovered direct links between the restructuring of public schools using programs such as Goals 2000 and School-to-Work and the restructuring of communities using Sustainable Development. Presented at The Summit at Camp Davis in Maine, February 2004.

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